Help Center

New Account FAQ

Q - When will I get my new account? 
A - We will begin provisioning new accounts starting Mon, Feb 26th.

Q - Do I have to be a YFP member to get this deal? 
A - You need a free account to access any of our products, but you don't need a paid plan other than your Zoom plan to log in and access your billing or Zoom product manager.

Q - If I wait, will I still be able to get in? 
A - We will only start with 100 licenses. I'm not sure when we'll open for more. However, if we have enough interested people, we will certainly offer more when we can buy another batch of licenses.

Q - Will my meeting ID change after I migrate? 
A - None of your settings or scheduled events or recordings will be affected. In the eyes of Zoom, you're just changing your billing.

Q - Why should we migrate? 
A - It'll tie all of your services under one roof so it's easier to manage. 
We can integrate your account with your YFP dashboard, as well as with the webinar registration pages and billing module and other services we offer.

Our support team can also help you use Zoom with the services we offer. It also helps us put more resources into improving the very products and services you're already using from YFP.

Q - Can I migrate from a monthly or yearly plan with Zoom to you?
A - Yes. When we start provisioning accounts, you'll get an email asking if you'd like to switch. You'll get a pro-rated refund.

Q - If I've paid for an account with Zoom, will they refund my unused time? 
A - Yes, you'll get a pro-rated refund after you accept the transfer request Zoom will send.

Q - Can I migrate from Charlene to you? 
A - Yes. In fact, she's asked all YFP people to join us ASAP so she can offer her licenses to her team and NON-YFP people.

Q - Can I request a refund from Charlene for my unused time? 
A - Yes. Zoom tells us that they will send your pro-rated refund to Charlene and then you can request it from her.

Q - What do we have to do to transfer from Charlene to YFP? 
A - When we begin provisioning accounts starting Monday, Feb 26th, you'll get an email from Zoom asking if you accept the transfer. You just accept and your account will be with us. You will continue to use it as normal.


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