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How To Set Up Sumo Me

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up Sumo Me, a tool that can be used for your website's traffic.
Sumo provides free tools you need to grow your blog site.

This plugin will make it easy for your readers to share your articles.


  1. Log in to your Back Office.
  2. Click My Websites.

  3. Click My Blog.

  4. Click Manage Blog.

  5. Click the Sumo Me icon.

    > Fill in the user's email address and password.
    > You can make your own password or you can request for one via our help desk.

  6. Click My Apps.

  7. To turn on or activate the Share app, follow the screenshot below:

  8. Then go to the your blog's home page.

  9. Done
    Congratulations! You've set up Sumo me.


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